Authored by Lou Geense

Read: Is. 53:1-6; John 20:19-20. 
Is.53:5 – But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. 

There is a story behind every scar that we have. I have quite a few: several knee surgeries, a couple of shoulder surgeries, lots of stitch marks from cuts and of course recently a heart surgery and a pacemaker; all have helped to bring an enjoyable, healthy life. Perhaps a scar reminds you of an accident, and you’re thankful for the recovery you have experienced. Some scars are emotional and psychological, often much more devastating than the physical ones, reminding us of deep hurts inflicted by others.

Real community allows us to share the stories of our scars, when it is appropriate.  As we do that, we can show our gratitude, humility, and our need for community. A drawback to popular social media platforms today is that people often portray their life as a bed of roses. It’s easy to share news about vacations, happy family gatherings, and celebrations. But true fellowship allows our bonds to grow deep and that often happens when our scars are exposed in sharing our personal stories with others.
Today we see Jesus in one of his post-resurrection visits to his disciples. And when “he showed them his hands and side,” his followers were overjoyed as they recognized the Lord.

What a story his wounds tell! He was not like a superhero we see on TV, who easily accomplished great feats. Rather, as we see in Isaiah 53, Christ’s victory came through deep personal sacrifice. We are also reminded of our sins and our transgressions. When we embrace these two realities—Jesus’ wounds and our need—we find healing. Indeed, “by his wounds we are healed”!

Lord thank you bringing healing to all our scars. Allow us to forgive those who have hurt us so they also may know the power and freedom of forgiveness and ultimately your healing touch. Amen.

Wounded Hearts 

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