For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. – Matthew 23:12 (NIV)

When our family lived in Tanzania for two years, we learned about a specific culture that was very important in that country. There was a mindset that you could never challenge or question a person who was higher than you on the authority or social ladder. That included never making a joke about a person or making light of something they said or did. In reality it was all about a culture of personal pride. I later learned that you only ask women for direction in Tanzania because they were willing to admit when they didn’t know. Men on the other hand would give you all kinds of directions before ever admitting they did not know. Social pride, it seems, is part of the human condition. We seem to always want to impress those we come in contact with.

The good news is we don’t have to impress God – God loves us just the way we are. The death & resurrection of Jesus remind us that it is actually the path of humility God desires and brings glory to his kingdom.

Jesus, when I feel tempted to be more than I am, remind me that you love me just as I am.

Stepping Out By Stepping Down

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