Read: Psalm 105: 16-22

Do you ever wonder how God could use you? Do you see yourself as “just a mom,” “only a teacher,” “too young,” “too old,” or “hardly magnificent”? Until this moment, those around Joseph saw him as a mere Hebrew slave. Now, the ruler of the most powerful kingdom on earth, who worshipped Egyptian gods, recognized that Joseph’s wisdom came from God Almighty. Pharaoh said, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you.” Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of the palace and all of Egypt. Joseph’s power would only be second to Pharaoh himself. The psalmist would later speak of Joseph’s redemption from dungeon to palace as an expression of God’s faithful care for his people (Psalm 105:16-22). Joseph’s redemption from the dungeon was more than the amazing result of an unexpected audience before Pharaoh. It was God and His plan that put Joseph into leadership over all of Egypt. God used years of suffering to teach Joseph to depend on Him and experience His presence. Joseph’s own trials must have created in him a sensitivity to suffering and a desire to alleviate the suffering of others. He learned to simply and boldly deliver God’s message. Joseph spoke what God revealed – whether positive or negative, whether about the fate of an individual (the cupbearer and baker) or the fate of a nation. He showed integrity as a slave, a prisoner and a ruler. God had greater plans in mind for Joseph than Joseph had in mind for himself. God developed a great leader in the dungeon, elevated him to the palace and through him, impacted his family, Egypt and eventually the world.**

Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.

**Bible Study Fellowship, Genesis 2021

Use Me, God

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