Read: Genesis 42: 6-24

The story of Joseph involves a number of mentions of imprisonment. Joseph was in prison for several years after being falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife. Joseph had his brothers put in prison for three days, accusing them of being spies. There is another type of prison, however, that is perhaps not as evident but just as binding – the prison of guilt. The brothers felt they were being punished by God for their sins committed long ago. Reuben maintained his innocence, saying he had been an advocate for Joseph. The brothers therefore sinned after they had been admonished to do right, which further added to their guilt. Psalm 107:10 says “Some sat in darkness, in utter darkness, prisoners suffering in iron chains….Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind, for He breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.” The Psalmist wrote these words many years ago but they are applicable now, as many people today are in chains, shackles, or prisons. These chains come in many forms. There are Christians in some parts of the world who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus and find themselves imprisoned in actual chains. There are others who struggle with addictions and habits that they just can’t seem to shake. Feelings of shame, guilt, fear, bitterness or unforgiveness can weigh people down, like chains, and prevent them from living a life of freedom. Many, who do not know the Lord, wander in darkness, enslaved with a yoke of bondage around them. So many chains! Praise God that there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain, to cut through what we cannot break on our own! We have freedom in Christ from any and all forms of chains, slavery and bondage. How wonderful to live life fully and freely!

Listen to the song “Chainbreaker” by Zach Williams and rejoice that we have a pain taking, way making, prison-shaking Saviour!


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