Authored by Lou Geense

Read: Galatians6:1-10 
vs. 2 – Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfil the law of Christ. 

I know that one of my blind spots as a believer and a leader has been to ask others for help. I am unsure where that mindset came from. We were raised to “Get it Done” without excuse and at the same time to always be ready and alert to help others. I am well aware that helping others has been one of things that has fuelled me as a believer. Helping others has allowed me to share my faith and to make me feel I am doing God’s work.
I am also aware that Jesus calls on us is to care for one another. I believe we are called to do so not just to be supportive of one another but also to be involved in one another’s lives.
This kind of care for one another means we care enough about our neighbours to find out what burdens they carry. In communities where we may not even know the names of our neighbours, God nudges us to hear the concerns of their hearts. Do you have an awareness of the struggles of others around you? Just caring enough to ask is a good first step. Often a listening ear is the best way to begin carrying a burden together. Genuine empathy can bring healing to a burdened heart.
Another step may be to offer prayer. Everyone needs prayer, and few people refuse an offer to be prayed for, even if they have little faith of their own. Pray over one another and lift each other up before God.
Perhaps you can lift a burden by lending a helping hand or an act of service. Or maybe you’re the one in need. Can you, in Christ’s name, allow others to serve you? Sometimes this piece is harder to get accomplished. For sure Christ’s law is fulfilled when we can reach out with genuine compassion and care for each other.
Lord help us to carry one another’s burdens and allow us to humble ourselves and ask for help. Give us hearts to pray for those around us, especially for those in need. Amen.

Bearing One Another’s Burdens

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