Deuteronomy 32:1-6; 44-47
Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.                                                                            Verse 2 (NIV)

Someone asked me; “What was the most difficult part of doing international development?” It did not take long to answer. People in positions of power in developing countries, who had the authority and the resources to help their own people and even promised to help in our efforts to relieve suffering and pain but in the end did nothing. How could you say one thing and do the exact opposite, while your own people suffered?

God is refreshingly clear about what his people can expect from him once they’re in the promised land. Moses speaks encouraging words in Deuteronomy 32 that God is faithful and will not reject his people. Moses also speaks honest words: when Israel becomes “heavy and sleek” (v. 15), lazy in their service for God, he will allow the enemy and pestilence to consume them: “Young men and women will perish, infants and gray-haired men” (v. 25).

When the Christian religion is increasingly under pressure in the public square, be encouraged. Even though the enemies are many and wrong seems so strong, God is still in control. When we are disappointed by the church itself, when its people and leadership become “heavy and sleek,” be assured that the Lord will pay a transforming visit and his bride, the church will be purified.

At the end of the day, our expectations of other may well fall short. God’s words however are refreshingly dependable, “like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.” Trust him today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.

For your comforting, honest, and dependable words, Lord, we give you thanks. May we put our complete trust in you for today and for the future. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

No Idle Words

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