Luke 12:13-21. Verses – 19-20. – And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’  “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’


I do not have too many friends that are of the wealthy kind, but I have a few. I know the kind of hard work that got them to the place of wealth and comfort. From my perspective I would say that they deserve the kind of perks that come from all that hard work.

When you work hard all your life and you have built a successful business or career, along with some good investments, haven’t you earned the right to take life easy and enjoy your retirement? That’s how the rich man reasoned with himself.

The Bible makes clear that God does not begrudge his people the rewards of a life well lived. He does not call the man a fool because he was rich. God was the one who allowed him to be successful. God called the man a fool because he had stored up things only for himself. Instead of recognizing God’s blessing and working to build God’s kingdom, he had been building his own. His attitude was all about his achievements and no praise to the God that had blessed him.

I am so pleased to say that of the few rich people I know, most of them have used their assets to bless others and most often those who are among the needy of our world. We all in North America are among the richest people in the world. How does God see you today?


Lord our God, help us to take a look at our lives, and give us the grace to be rich toward you. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

A Rich Fool

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