Craft ‘n Chat (Women) – Potluck

Bring a dish and an unfinished craft project that you've been working on or come just for a chat with other women over coffee or tea and some snacks. No registration required, anybody can drop in! We meet in the Fellowship Hall, located next to the north entrance.

SAGE (Seniors) – Christmas Lunch & Carol Sing

Making friends is so much easier over a meal! Celebrate the Christmas season with our Seniors & Adults group over a catered lunch.  Cost per ticket: $20. Deadline to purchase your tickets for the lunch is Sunday, December 3. You can sign up and pay in the following options: Sunday, November 12 after service in […]

SAGE (Seniors) – Caribbean Carnival

Wear a summer shirt and come enjoy tropical entertainment, games and a taste of the sunny south season! Enjoy a Tropical themed lunch for $5.