Authored by Lou Geense
Read: 1 Peter 1:8-12.
Vs. 10 – Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care

Do questions ever creep into the foundation of your faith? Do you ever wonder, in the big scheme of things; “Do I matter at all?” Those kinds of questions do not come from an innocent place. The devil roams about seeking who he might devour (1 Peter 5:8). Those questions devour our confidence in what we know to be true (Jn.13:34-35).
I imagine that every believer at some point in their life goes through some questions
that challenge their faith. But the Bible is God’s grand story of assurance. It reveals God’s faithfulness through the prophets, those bigger-than-life figures like Abraham, Moses, David, and Isaiah. It also reveals God’s story of deliverance for every individual who turns to Jesus. The apostle Peter teaches this through his discussion of the prophets.
The prophets spoke a message of grace for each one of us. They also searched—they hungered to know how their words would be fulfilled in Christ. They also served God’s people. The Lord revealed to them that they were servants of grace to us. All of them diligently doing the work of grace without seeing the fulfilment of God’s great salvation plan.
Ultimately the prophets share the joyful message that life and hope are found in Christ alone. The whole recorded drama of the Bible is for us! As a great theologically sound hymn puts it; “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”
The Bible says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).  Sometimes we are our own worst enemies with lingering sin or unhealthy habits or questionable attitudes that erode our assurance of Christ’s love. When Jesus declares that he loves us is there any better assurance than that?”
Lord when I falter and fail, call me to repentance so I can know your love. When I doubt, grant me assurance; and when I feel lost, pour out your love, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Filled With Assurance

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