Psalm 147:1-11
His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Vs.10 – 11 (NIV) 

I am sure you have all heard the phrase: “Bigger is better.” It is funny how we always seem to run after what is bigger, faster, more powerful, etc. Even when it comes to church life we always look to those ministries or church fellowships that are bigger and have greater influence. Early in my ministry life I heard a pastor speak of the church he pastored as small but mighty. They never reached the 200 mark in attendance, but they were regularly sending people from the church out into ministry. 

The psalmist reminds us that God is not impressed with size and strength but with those whose character honoured God and were faithful in their responsibilities. Throughout scripture we see that there was always a remnant that remained faithful. From that small remnant of faithful and dedicated people would raise up his nation or his church and his purposes would be fulfilled. Even Gideon who amassed some 32,000 warriors was directed by God to take just 300 to defeat the enemy.  

God does not need bigger or more powerful to carry out his plan for this world. He needs faithful, dedicated, committed and loving people who are willing to listen, to obey and to boldly carry out his plans for his kingdom. So, don’t ever consider yourself inadequate or insignificant. The Lord is looking for those who fear him and put their hope in his unfailing love. 

Make me an instrument in your hands. Make me a faithful warrior in your kingdom. Help me always to lean on your unfailing love. Amen. 

Small Things

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