Matthew 11:25-30 (NIV) 
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

During the lock down and the “stay at home” messaging from government many people are trying to figure out what to do with their time. Oddly enough a number of people I speak with talk about being tired. At our home we have reduced our support workers and now have added schoolwork to our list. It seems like we are busier now than when I was going into the office to work. Some people talk about cleaning out corners of the house that have been ignored for a long time, others have taken on the remodelling of some rooms in the house, but it does sound like people are making themselves busy. 

In various ways and in varying degrees we go through life feeling the need to be busy. I believe it is an unspoken pressure of our society that being busy means I have importance. At a time in our lives when we are forced to slow down due to keeping our distance from others, we push ourselves to be busy.   

Maybe you are busy and weary as well. Jesus invite us to rest, to slow down. Listen carefully to the Lord Jesus as he invites us to come to him to give us the rest we so desperately need. Jesus does not make false promises. He does not promise to remove all of our struggles or problems. But he does promise rest for our soul, the most important rest. Spend time with him and you will find strength and courage to meet any challenges you face. Your closet may not get cleaned out, but your heart will, and you will feel strong and satisfied in Christ. 

Lord, help me to slow down, to rest and to look into your word. Teach me to know your heart and to not listen to all the clamour of our world. Amen. 

Time to Rest

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